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Acceptable Use

When you use any information technology at college - from computers and laptops to mobile devices - you need to be aware that the College has an Acceptable Use policy which applies to all students and staff.

You can read about what is acceptable in the document above,  which can also be found on the Moodle E-Safety Page.




Adware is a form of Spyware that will display unwanted advertisements, usually as pop-ups, on a computer.

For more information about how to protect against adware, spyware and other unwanted problems, click here


Smartphone operating system designed by Google, which uses apps to provide basic and additional functions for users.

To learn how to protect your Android phone from viruses and other issues, click here.


An American corporation famous for designing cutting edge consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers. It’s best known for its Mac computers, the iPod, iPad and the iPhone.

If you're an iPhone, iPad or iUser, then it's pretty important to know how to protect your devices, and the information stored on them.

For advice about protecting your Mac, click here.

For advice about protecting mobile data - stored on phones, tablets, iPods and more - click here


Apps or applications are small  computer programs designed to handle specific tasks - and mainly associated with mobile phones and tablets, and other mobile devices.

You can download a huge variety of different programs ranging from instant messengers to games and office tools. However it's important to check out exactly what you're downloading and what permissions you give apps to access your information.

Downloading simple security software and firewall apps to your phone or tablet can help filter out unwanted viruses or malware. For more information, click here

Ask FM

Social networking site where users ask each other questions. This can take place entirely anonymously. Answers can be given either by text or by video. You can answer any question in your feed, or be asked a specific question. It can be linked to your Facebook and Twitter accounts.

The site has been a factor in a number of tragic cyberbullying cases. Sexually aggressive, offensive or bullying material can be posted entirely unmoderated.

Auction Sites

Highly popular sites such as E-Bay where users can put items up for sale, via auction or instant purchase methods, and the highest bid wins. While this can be a positive experience, there are possible risks that what you're buying and whi you're buying from may not be legitimate. To find out more, click here