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Microblogging is where the blog format is used solely as a marketing promotion and customer service tool with constant directional updates.Sometimes these can be informative and useful, particularly if you're a regular customer.

However, it can try and persuade you to sign up to promotional deals by giving away your personal details. Hyperlinks and content when downloaded can carry viruses and spyware, particularly as microblogging formats can be easily copied by hackers and used to trick people into giving away data and details.

To find out more about spotting online scams, click here




Massive Open Online Courses are a recent development in the educations sector. These open courses have been created for unlimited access via the internet. MOOCs incorporate a number of the traditional resource features of a course, including reading material, videos and assignments, as well as features such as online forums. The forum allows an online community for students and staff.

To find out more about MOOCs and online collaboration, explore our topic in the Digital Literacies section on Moodle - go to Campus in the Menu bar above to find it.