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E Bay is one of the most popular online auction sites, where users can sell, bid for and buy items advertised. It can be a fantastic way to make money selling unwanted items, and can be used by individuals and small businesses. There are many detailed guides on the website outlining how to use its many features effectively, but it's also important to remember how to use auction sites safely.

Click here to read Get Safe Online's guide to bidding and selling safely.


An electronic book is a publication produced in digital form. This normally consists of text, images, or both.

An e-book is readable on computers or other electronic devices including smartphones, tablets or e-readers.

Downloaded content can also sometimes carry a risk of transmitting viruses and spyware to your devices.

Click Here to find out more about safely downloading content.


Electronic greetings cards are a fun and popular way to send greetings and celebratory messages. There is a huge variety of e-cards available online, and it’s pretty important to check that the e-card you’re sending – or opening – only carries your message, and not nasty viruses or scams. Click here to find out more about e-cards


E-mail, or electronic mail, is simply a communication sent digitally, from your account to another. Designed to allow speedy private, or group, communications, you can set up an email address with an online Cloud provider such as Outlook or Google Gmail which is password protected – only you can access your emails.

They’re important to have for professional and academic communication – for example, when applying for jobs or university – and are particularly useful for sending files and attachments. However, they can be easily targeted by hackers, and can be a way for criminals to steal your identity. Email accounts are also used to carry out scams and spread viruses and a whole bunch of malware, so it’s important to only open emails from recognised senders and keep your account secure.

To find out more about using email safely, please click here

The Yeovil College e-safety page has a wide range of resources which can help you stay safe online. To find out more, go to the Digital Literacies link in the Campus Drop Down Menu on Moodle, and clickE-Safety.


E-petitions are created online to encourage people to support a cause, for which a petition is being produced to formally give to the government. They require a certain number of signatures to be completed and for Parliament to action a debate regarding the issue, which means that e-petitions are widely promoted on social media and news websites to spread the word and gain support.

When signing an e-petition, or filling in any online form, it’s important to understand how your information will be used and where it might be displayed. You may also end up signing up for newsletters, membership schemes and various other offers, so it’s good to read the small print! 

Click here to find out more about protecting your privacy online.