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It's important to make and save a copy of any file or document type you're working on. As well as saving a copy to My Documents, your user area or your computer, it's advisable to save a copy to a USB stick, portable hard drive, or to a cloud drive or network. To find out more, click here


Accessing and managing bank accounts and your money online is one of the most popular uses of the Internet, transforming banking into an easier, more controllable activity.

It's vital to protect your personal details and passwords from criminals and fraudsters who can steal your identity and more.

To find out more about how to use online banking safely, click here


The once popular social networking site which claimed to be a more creative alternative to its rivals, where users could dramatically alter and create the look of their pages with skins, blog posts, whiteboard drawings etc. Now a new version of the site is being designed and relaunched.

When using a social network, it's important to consider what you're sharing and who you're sharing it with. To find out more, click here


Bitcoins are a virtual or digital currency that can be used as a form of online payment. Created, traded and used entirely on the Internet, the system is managed by a software algorithm and can be used internationally.

However, the scheme has already been expolited by hackers, and there are doubts about how stable or lasting the scheme will be.


A blog is an online journal, which is updated frequently or daily with posts that can be about any topic. They can be created by anyone, from large companies and websites, to small groups and individuals.

They are informal written pieces, sometimes containing multimedia content, and can contain personal opinion, feelings and views. They also generally allow readers and other bloggers to respond or reply to the post, in an open stream where conversations take place between the blogger and other commentators.

Blogging can be a great way to establish a positive digital identity, to promote your work and your skills, and even make money and network with other professionals in your field of expertise. However, you also need to be mindful of what information you're sharing, and how you're representing yourself.
 Bloggers can also attract negative individuals who write derogatory, hateful comments (for more on this, please see the Cyberbullying and Trolling entries).

To discover the basics of starting and writing a blog, please click here

To find out more about blogging safely, please click here


This term describes a group of otherwise unrelated PC's which have all been infected by the same virus, which allows them to be centrally controlled and manipulated by criminals or hackers for their own purposes.

To find out more about securing your PC or device from viruses, please click here

Buying Tickets Online

Buying tickets for entertainment and sporting events, festivals, gigs and shows online can be a fantastic way to beat the queues and get a number of tickets at the same time. Official websites often become overwhelmed with traffic - the number of people trying to buy tickets at the same time - and secondary sites offering tickets straight from the venue, sometimes at a cheaper price, can be tempting.

However, one in ten people in the Uk have been victims of online tickeing scams - here's how to make sure this doesn't include you. Click here for more information.