

Cyberbullying is any form of bullying which takes place online, through any device that connects to the Internet. It can take place via text message and email, over Instant Messenger, and through posts, tweets, hashtags and groups on any social networking sites - including Facebook, Twitter and Ask FM. It can take place on blogs and forums with trolls posting dergoatory comments, and during online gaming. It can consist of rumours, derogatory names, abusive comments, posting inappropriate and nasty pictures, fake profiles and identity theft - and even rape and death threats.

We can help you deal with cyberbullies here at college.

Visit our Student Support team, or speak to your tutor or a trusted lecturer/ member of staff. For help and support from the college, please click here

You can also report cyberbullying to the police on 101 (to report the incident to Avon and Somerset Police), or if you have received immediate threats to your safety, please phone 999.

For more information on cyberbullying, please click here