
A blog is an online journal, which is updated frequently or daily with posts that can be about any topic. They can be created by anyone, from large companies and websites, to small groups and individuals.

They are informal written pieces, sometimes containing multimedia content, and can contain personal opinion, feelings and views. They also generally allow readers and other bloggers to respond or reply to the post, in an open stream where conversations take place between the blogger and other commentators.

Blogging can be a great way to establish a positive digital identity, to promote your work and your skills, and even make money and network with other professionals in your field of expertise. However, you also need to be mindful of what information you're sharing, and how you're representing yourself.
 Bloggers can also attract negative individuals who write derogatory, hateful comments (for more on this, please see the Cyberbullying and Trolling entries).

To discover the basics of starting and writing a blog, please click here

To find out more about blogging safely, please click here

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