Topic outline

  • Employer - Work Experience/Industry Placement/Traineeships

    This Site is designed to support you and provide you with the necessary information and guidance that you will need for the Work Experience/Industry Placement/Traineeship Programme.  Please remember that if you have any questions or concerns the Careers and Work Placement Team is available to be contacted.  The information and links that are provided may not always be relevant or needed for every placement and your contact with the Placement Team will advise you on this.

    Our office number is 01935 845394 or you can contact the Careers and Work Placement Coordinator directly.

  • Welcome and Thank you

    We would like to take this opportunity to once again thank you for your support with Work Experience/Industry Placements/Traineeships for our learners at Yeovil College.  We are fortunate to have strong partnerships with local employers and we see this as strengthening through this process.

    Work placements will provide learners with the opportunity to develop specific technical and practical skills, knowledge and behaviours required for skilled employment in their field of study.

    Not only are you sharing your knowledge and skills with our learners we hope that this will positively impact your company.

    5 reasons why you should offer work experience…

    • to develop your future workforce

    • to work with the local community, providing an opportunity to engage, inspire and inform people

    • to develop staff - it’s a chance for all staff to build management skills

    • to gain fresh insights - see your organisation through someone else's eyes

    • to increase staff engagement - colleagues get a genuine buzz from inspiring people

  • Introduction to GroFar

    We are excited to share information about our new Careers and Work Placement Platform with you.  As an employer you will receive emails generated by us at Yeovil College but sent by Grofar.  The purpose is to track and monitor learners while they are completing their placement with you.  We want to keep it simple for you as we know how busy you are!  Please see the information below to better understand what emails may be coming your way.  

  • Policies and Procedures

    Listed below are our Policies and Procedures, please take time to look through these.  If there is anything that you need help with or have questions about please contact your Careers and Work Placement Coordinator.

  • Safeguarding

    • Please click on the link above to see our updates Employers Guide to Prevent and Safeguarding.  We take Safeguarding very seriously and would ask that anyone who supports a learner in the work place takes time to familiarise themselves with the information provided in this book.

      We have also put together a brief presentation to update you on the latest information around Safeguarding.  Please take time to watch this and if you have any questions please contact your placement Co - ordinator

  • Employer Information

  • College Holiday Dates for Information

    Please take note the following dates of holidays throughout the Academic Year 2022/2023.  Learners are not expected to attend their Work Experience/Industry Placement during this time, however they may choose to do so and should discuss this with you.

    Half Term24 October - 28 October 2022
    Christmas Holidays 19 December 2022  - 3 January 2023
    Half Term 13 February - 17 February 2023
    Easter Holidays 03 April - 14 April 2023
    Bank Holiday 29 May 2023
    Half Term 30 May - 03 June 2023
    End of Academic Year         23 June 2023

  • Useful Links